ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The Zulu State: Political Organisation of the Zulu State
- The smallest political unit was the kraal or village and it was under the rule of a kraal head or umnumzane.
- The kraal head dealt with disputes and quarrels
- The kraal head was under the district head isiGodi
- The isiGodi was in charge of a large area called isiFunda and one induna
- Shaka was the image of the law
- The king represented the tribal ancestors and therefore officiated at all ceremonies in the land
- The king represented the kingdom
- Shaka had all the legislative, judicial and political powers
- The king was responsible for land distribution
- Shaka appointed his female relative to administer female regiments
- Shaka appointed his relatives in all the important positions
- Shaka ‘s rule was by custom with little opportunity for legislation
- After the inxwala ceremony, the laws were announced publicly especially those to do with marriage and campaigns that the king had decided upon
- The king could not order the killing of a subject unless they were found guilty of an offense and this limited the powers of the king
- The king ruled with councilors who were heads of families of influence called indunas
- The indunas were divided into two groups, one dealing with the military whilst the other in administration issues
- The councilors had to reside at the royal court for a certain period and offer their services to the king
- This helped the king in state surveillance and also so that he knew what was happening even in the most remote areas of the kingdom
- The king employed royal spies who were stationed everywhere in the state
- Besides the indunas ther were also other important men who were favourites at the royal kraal even but did not hold official positions known as isiLomo and umSengi
- The Zulu subjects paid tribute to their king in terms of livestock, iron tools, grains, minerals among others
Shaka also received tribute from vassal chiefs - The king could collect cattle from his subjects at any time to feed his council and army
- The king could also collect tax from subjects irregularly in the form of mats, labour and thatching grass
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