Education For Life
We provide you with free online notes,past exam papers and guidance so you can be who you want to be.
Welcome to Revision Online
Here you will find comprehensive, frequently updated ZIMSEC and Cambridge Advanced and Ordinary Level Notes and Exams,tertiary resources for both students and teachers.Allowing you to study for free.We have already helped hundreds of thousands of students and teachers achieve their dreams.

Get free access to the largest up to date free notes repository for the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) syllabus for both Ordinary Level (O Level) and Advanced Level syllabus. For the most popular subjects including Shona, Geography,Business Studies, English Language, History, Commerce, Combined Science, Principles of Accounts, Accounting, Biology and Economics
Past Exams

This site also contains a selection of ZIMSEC past examinations and their answers as well as links to relevant topics in notes.These are meant to help your prepare for both continuous assessment examinations under the new curriculum as well as the final public examinations. We constantly update the questions and adding new content to make sure it stays up to date and relevant

So you want to be a Doctor, a nurse,a pilot, an engineer or a dancer and you are not sure what path you need to get there? We will tell you how to get there, which subjects you need to be doing, what grades you should be getting, which University you should get into. We will also tell you about the best colleges,scholarship offers, best courses. We equip you and hold your hand until you get there.