Polling Stations in the Dark. Image credit mg.co.za
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: Natural Resources: Energy:The energy crisis in Zimbabwe
The energy crisis in Zimbabwe is demonstrated through the following:
- Frequent shortages of petroleum and its products resulting in long queues for the scarce commodity at service stations.
- Fluctuating prices in the process of petroleum and its products.
- Higher prices on petroleum products when compared to prices in other countries
- Rationing of these products.
- Lateness at work due to transport problems which lead to reduced economic performances as a result
- Due to extensive rural electrification and
- A surge in urban population
- Demand for electricity has exceeded by production
- This increase in demand is counteracted by the closure of most industries
- However Zimbabwe still produces less than half of the electricity need
- This has led to planned or unplanned power cuts/ load shedding by ZESA.
- Households going without crucial meals as a result.
- People walking long distances in communal areas to fetch firewood.
- Poaching of firewood leading to social conflicts.
- Massive deforestation in rural and peri-urban areas.
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