Air Rhodesia Viscount Aircraft. Image credit MediaWikihi
ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The Struggle for Independence in Colonial Zimbabwe 1900-1980: War Activities after the Geneva Conference
- ZIPRA began to penetrate into the rural areas and also lost two of its leaders
- Jason Z Moyo was killed in by a parcel bomb and Alfred ‘Nikita’ Mangena was killed in a landmine
- Despite these stumbling blocks, they fielded 2000 soldiers and extended their operational areas
- The Liberation War took a new turn in 1978 and ZANU named it the Year of the People
- There were 13 000 ZANLA forces by the year 1978 including women
- Women had been previously recruited as chimbwidos, nurses, cooks, secretaries, teachers and porters of arms
- They however managed to break barriers and take up primary roles in the liberation struggle
- The struggle spread to the capital by mid year 1978
- The oil storage tanks in the capital were rocket blasted and burned for a full week
- The blasting of the oil tanks marked the helm of the liberation struggle as guerillas were now near their victory
- The ZIPRA tried it in Bulawayo but they found the tanks empty
- The ZIPRA forces however managed to shoot down two Viscount Aircraft killing almost a 100 passengers altogether
- The government tried deal with the war by extending compulsory rule for a two more years in 1978
- The inscription of the blacks was much more harmful especially on the budget as it was now strained by increased manpower and it also had effects on the economy
- By the end of 1978 the Rhodesian forces had lost control in some areas
- Smith eventually the One Man One Vote in November 1978 but avoided talk with the PF
- He also the employed the method of seeking support from moderate leaders such as Muzorewa who were labelled as sellouts by the guerrillas
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