The Hong Kong Bridge. Image credit plus.maths.org
ZIMSEC O Level Combined Science Notes: Suspension bridge
- Old suspension bridges were usually built using rope/vegetable fibre
- The ropes could withstand tension forces while they were new but they would quickly deteriorate
- Suspension bridges are usually constructed for very long spans
- An example is the Chirundu bridge across Zambezi river between Zimbabwe and Zambia
- Steel cables are suspended from high towers and the road/railway is supported below the cables
- The vertical supports reduce the span of the bridge and reduce bending

A suspension bridge
- The cables are in tension
- The greater the load the greater the tension
- The pillars/towers (abutments) are in compression
- Long spanned bridges are now possible due to the strength of modern steel cables
- Cables are also continuous and do not need joins
- They are made up of hundreds of wire so the failure of one wire strand will not result in the whole structure failing
- Cables in a suspension bridge are in the form of an inverted arch
- This best accommodates the forces that are acting on the cables and bridge
- While in an arch bridge the arch is in compression
- The inverted arch in the suspension bridge is entirely in tension
- The curved cables carry these tensions
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