A simple organisational chart.
ZIMSEC O Level Business Studies Notes: Organisational Charts
- It is a diagram that shows the organisation structure of a given organisation
- It is also defined as a pictorial depiction of an organisation’s structure
- An organisation’s structure is also known as it’s internal structure
- It shows:
- The titles of certain position
- The layers of authority within the organisation/The organisation’s hierarchy
- Each individual’s span of control
- The lines of communication from top to bottom
- Line and authority staff relationships
- Chain of command
- Reporting relationships
- The titles shown an organisations chart are defined according to each individual organisation’s rules and
- organisational culture
- For example the leaders of some organisation are known as:
- Chief Executive Officers (CEO)
- Managing Directors
- General Manager etc
- These titles are chosen according to each individual organisation’s preference
- The significance of each position varies from organisation to organisation
- There is no set convention on how to choose these title names and
- They are purely random
- An organisational chart only shows formal relationships
- It does not show informal relationships (structure of informal groups)
- They give a quick picture of how the organisation is structured including:
- Whether the organisation is tall or flat
- Whether authority is centralised or decentralised
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