Free Quiz

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Plants left in sunlight

The diagrams show a plant in a flask of water. It is left for six hours on a warm and windy day in bright sunshine. Which process explains the result shown in diagram 2?


2. As a seed begins to germinate, it uses enzymes to speed up the rate of



Cylinders of potato tissue were placed in different concentrations of a sugar solution. The graph shows the percentage change in length of the cylinders of potato tissue.

Which solution has the same water potential as the potato tissue?



Diagram showing a cell

This diagram shows a cell. Which parts are the cell membrane cell wall cytoplasm respectively



Diagram showing a cell

This diagram shows a cell. Which parts are the cell membrane cell wall cytoplasm respectively



Salt movement in a cell

The arrows show the movement of salts into a cell. Which describes the movement of the salts?


7. What are some of the end products and effects of anaerobic respiration in muscle?


8. Milk produces a red precipitate when heated with Benedict’s solution.
A purple colour develops when the biuret test is used on milk.
Using these results only, which nutrients does milk contain?


9. Where in the alimentary canal is most water absorbed?



Concentration of Carbon Dioxide

The graph shows the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air surrounding a plant measured over
24 hours. Which explains the carbon dioxide concentration at time X?



Cross section of a leaf

Where in the leaf does gaseous exchange occur?


Question 1 of 11

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