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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
TIME 3 hours
- Write your name, Center number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer sheet/answer booklet.
- Answer any four questions.
- Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided.
- If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together.
- The number of marks is given in brackets
1 a) Explain what is meant by the basic economic problem. [10]
b) Discuss the benefits of changing from a command economy to a market economy. [15]
2 a) Analyse the factors influencing price elasticity of demand for cement in your country. [10]
b) To what extent are elasticity of demand concepts useful to the housing construction industry? [15]
3 a) Account for the continued survival of small firms despite competition from large firms. [12]
b) Discuss whether large firms serve the society better than small firms. [13]
4 a) Explain
i) normal profit,
ii) abnormal profit. [10]
b) Discuss whether profitable firms are efficient. [15]
5 a) Explain
i) net advantage,
ii) economic rent,
iii) quasi-rent [12]
b) Discuss whether the level of workers’ wages depends on the strength of their trade union. [13]
6 a) Explain
i) public good,
ii) demerit good,
iii) negative externality. [12]
b) Discuss how government may deal with market failure in an economy. [13]
7 a) Explain how the comparative advantage theory determines international trade. [12]
b) To what extent does the comparative advantage theory explain trade flows between countries? [13]
8 a) Analyse the problems of measuring national income in your country. [12]
b) Discuss the usefulness of national income statistics in an economy. [13]
9 a) Explain
i) demand-pull inflation,
ii) cost-push inflation. [12]
b) Discuss the effects of a substantial increase in money supply in an economy. [13]
10 a) Analyse factors influencing economic growth in your country. [12]
b) Discuss the benefits of economic growth to an economy. [13]
11 a) Analyse the effects of unemployment in an economy. [10]
b) Discuss the effectiveness of measures meant to reduce unemployment in your country. [15]
12 Assess the benefits to a developing country, of developing through policies of trade and industrialisation. [25]
To access more exams go to the A Level Economics Examination page.