Earlier we reported that lecturers from Zimbabwe’s two state Universities, MSU and UZ, had given notice that they would be embarking on a go slow to protest their financial incapacitation.
Well, lecturers from Lupane State University, one of the country’s youngest universities have also given notice that they will be joining the go slow.
As staff of Lupane State University we note with great concern the continued deterioration of the economic situation in the country and the concomitant erosion of value of staff salaries. Staff salaries have fallen by a factor of ten since the introduction of the RTGS$ and they continue to plummet. Given the current economic state of affairs, the University staff members are failing to subsist on current salaries.
We therefore wish to notify you that we are financially incapacitated and are as such unable to discharge our contractual duties to the best of our abilities. With effect from Monday the 24th of June 2019 staff may not be able to report for work on a daily basis. In pursuance of the spirit of unity and teamwork, the Workers Committee puts forward the following suggestions as a way to ease the burden on University Staff and to minimise the disruption of the smooth operation of the University:
A one day working week or free transport to and from work or a reasonable transport allowance for staff.
Provision of lunch by the employer
Provision of affordable accommodation (for staff at Lupane Campus)
The provision of the above will go a long way in minimising the disruption of the smooth operation of the University.
We look forward to engaging with you on the above issue.