Reports are an integral part of business. Image credit entrepreneur.com
ZIMSEC O Level Business Studies Notes: Leadership: Communication in Business: Reports
- A report is an account given of a particular matter, especially in the form of an official document, after thorough investigation or consideration by an appointed person or body
- In business reports are often used to analyse and explain a situation, to propose and gain agreement to a plan
- They are often logical, practical, persuasive and succinct
- There are various types of reports in business including:
- occasional reports-written to update on a situation
- activity reports-written to sum up an event for example a meeting
- status/progress reports-written to give a general review of activities within the business
- And formal reports
Structure of a report
- Report have various formats but typically they have:
- A title which is a very short summary of the report
- A table of contents
- An executive summary of its contents
- Introduction/background
- Methodology which is the methods employed in gathering data and reaching the conclusion and the logic for using said methods
- Results and analysis
- Discussions and conclusions
- Recommendations
- Appendices
Examples of reports
- The financial reports that are released by companies(public limited companies) at the end of each financial year
- Help with monitoring business operations
- Help managers to control the operations of the business
- Guide the decision making process
- They can be used in performance evaluations
- Can be used to evaluate investment appraisals
- Contain in-depth material
- Provide a written record
- Can be used to make comparisons for example Business A versus Business B”s performance
- Fulfill regulatory requirements
- Take time to prepare
- Can be costly to prepare
- They can be biased
- Technical reports can be hard to read and understand
- They may neglect qualitative data in preference of quantitative data
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