A map showing the tropics. Image credit MediaWiki
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes:Population Studies:Common Killer Diseases in the Tropics
- Zimbabwe lies in the Tropics
- This is a geographic region found between 0° and 23º North and South of the equator
- Zimbabwe is of course found on the South side of the equator
- The climate is characterized by a wet summer and dry winters
- Several killer diseases plague the tropics and these include:
- Malaria
- Dengue fever
- Sleeping sickness
- Bilharzia
- Zika virus
- Yellow Fever
- TB and TB-HIV co-infection
- Malaria and Bilharzia are of particular concern to Zimbabwe (Click on each of these two to learn more about them)
General Prevention and Treatment of Tropical diseases
- Most of these diseases can be cured, prevented or their impact lessened if the following steps are carried out:
- Draining wetlands to reduce populations of insects and other vectors, or introducing natural predators of the vectors.
- The application of insecticides and/or insect repellents) to strategic surfaces such as clothing, skin, buildings, insect habitats, and bed nets.
- The use of a mosquito net over a bed (also known as a “bed net”) to reduce nighttime transmission, since certain species of tropical mosquitoes feed mainly at night.
- Use of water wells, and/or water filtration, water filters, or water treatment with water tablets to produce drinking water free of parasites.
- Sanitation to prevent transmission through human waste.
- In situations where vectors (such as mosquitoes) have become more numerous as a result of human activity, a careful investigation can provide clues: for example, open dumps can contain stagnant water that encourage disease vectors to breed.
- Eliminating these dumps can address the problem. An education campaign can yield significant benefits at low cost.
- Development and use of vaccines to promote disease immunity
- Pharmacologic pre-exposure prophylaxis ( for example antimalarial shots and tablets).
- Pharmacologic post-exposure prophylaxis (to prevent disease after exposure to the environment and/or vector).
- Pharmacologic treatment (to treat disease after infection or infestation).
- Assisting with economic development in endemic regions. For example, by providing microloans to enable investments in more efficient and productive agriculture.
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