• Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling technique used to select participants for a survey.
  • It involves dividing the population into mutually exclusive sub-groups, known as quotas, and then selecting individuals to fill those quotas.

Features of quota sampling:

  • Quotas are established for each subgroup of the population based on predetermined characteristics such as age, gender, education level, etc.
  • The researcher selects the individuals to be included in the study based on the established quotas.
  • It is a quick and inexpensive method of sampling.
  • It does not require a complete list of the population.
  • The sample can be adjusted to ensure that it is representative of the population.

Situations where appropriate:

  • When the population is too large to survey completely, and a random sample is not possible.
  • When the population is difficult to define, such as tourists or undocumented workers.
  • When it is important to ensure that specific subgroups are represented in the sample.


  • Quota sampling can be faster and cheaper than other sampling methods.
  • It allows for control over the composition of the sample.
  • It ensures that the sample is representative of the population.
  • It can be used to study rare subgroups.
  • It can provide data on subgroups that are too small for probability sampling.


  • Quota sampling may introduce bias into the sample if the quotas are not accurately representative of the population.
  • It may be difficult to determine which quotas to use and how many individuals to include in each quota.
  • It may not provide a truly random sample of the population.
  • It may not be suitable for all research purposes.
  • It may not provide sufficient data on rare subgroups.

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