• Definition: Interviews are a primary research method that involves a conversation between an interviewer and a respondent, aimed at obtaining information for research purposes.

Differences between interviews and questionnaires:

  • Interviews are conducted verbally, while questionnaires are written.
  • Interviews are more flexible than questionnaires, allowing for follow-up questions and a deeper exploration of topics.
  • Interviews are more time-consuming and expensive than questionnaires, as they require trained interviewers and more resources.

Features of interviews in market research:

  • Structured or unstructured: interviews can be either structured (with a pre-determined set of questions) or unstructured (with open-ended questions).
  • Face-to-face or remote: interviews can be conducted in person or remotely via phone, video call, or other online platforms.
  • One-on-one or group: interviews can be conducted either one-on-one or in a group setting.
  • Qualitative or quantitative: interviews can be used to obtain qualitative data (e.g., opinions, attitudes, beliefs) or quantitative data (e.g., numerical data).

Situations where interviews are appropriate:

  • When exploring complex or sensitive topics that require a deeper understanding than a questionnaire can provide.
  • When the target audience is difficult to reach through other methods (e.g., homeless individuals).
  • When the researcher needs to clarify or expand on responses given in a questionnaire.
  • When the researcher wants to observe non-verbal cues (e.g., body language, tone of voice).

Benefits of interviews in market research:

  • Ability to explore complex or sensitive topics in depth.
  • Flexibility to follow up on responses or ask for clarifications.
  • Potential to obtain richer and more detailed data than questionnaires.
  • Opportunity to observe non-verbal cues and other contextual factors.

Drawbacks of interviews in market research:

  • Time-consuming and expensive, especially when conducted in person.
  • Potential for interviewer bias to influence results.
  • Small sample sizes due to the intensive nature of the method.
  • Difficulty in comparing data across respondents due to differences in the interview process.

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