Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai at the signing of the current constitution in 2013. Image credit newsday.co.zw
ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: What is a Constitution
- A constitution is as set of rules and regulations and principles which direct how an organization or country is ruled
- In shona a constitution is known as Bumbiro Remutemo
- Without a constitution, an organization or country cannot function as there will be chaos and disorder
- A constitution may have both written or verbal terms
- A constitution of a government usually contains the functions and powers of the main governmental institutions and general principles applying to citizens
- Some topics covered by a constitution include:
- How the head of state is chosen, his powers and rights or privileges
- The ministerial ranks and civil servants under them
- The Parliament, its functions and privileges of members
- Uniformed Forces (police and army) and the rules to regulate them
- The relationship between the state and local governments
- Citizenship
- How public money is to be raised and spent
- The powers and functions of the judiciary
- Bill of rights for citizens and the limitation of the rights
- The steps taken to amend the constitution
To access more topics go to the History Notes page.