African workers working on a Prazo. Image credit globalblackhistory.com
ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The Portuguese in the Zambezi valley: The Prazo system
- Prazos were large land grants given to the Portuguese settlers in the Zambezi valley by the Mutapas whose power was begining to decline.
- The Mutapas got military assistance and support in return.
- Other prazeros used dubious means to acquire the lands they used as prazeros however.
- The prazo system was deeply rooted in the feudal system practised in Europe (Portugal) and was transported to parts of Africa and Brazil by the Portuguese.
- The term prazo has seen it translated into the Shona word purazi.
- The Prazo owners were known as Prazeros/Prazeiros or Senhors.
- Senhor is Portuguese for Mr. and is related and pronounced like the English word Senior.
- The prazo system was a system of slavery that saw men and women being forcibly attached to the farms.
- Women were forced to till the land and to become concubines to the prazeros
- Men were forcibly conscripted into the armies of the prazeros.
- These armies were known as the chikunda forces.
- These armies took part in slave raids and the slaves were then transported to the East and West coasts to be sold.
- These prazos became powerful and independent.
- Most prazeros were found between Sofala, Chikoa (also spelt Chicoa/Chikwa) and Qualimane.
- Medeira became chief of Inhambazo after concessions were given by Chief Nogomo and Rusere.
- Sisnado Dias Bayao controlled Cheringoma after the concessions were given to him by Quiteve in return for Military assistance.
- Autonia Lobo da Silva also acquired large tracts of land.
- The Portuguese got land titles from the Portuguese government to become Portuguese agents of civilisation.
- The Prazo system undermined and destroyed the structures and traditions of African society.
- The land concessions also robbed Africans of their land resulting in land shortages and hunger amongst the Africans.
- This forced Africans to seek work in the prazos as labourers.
- African chiefs lost their power and authority to the Senhors who now had jurisdiction over all the people who resided in their prazos.
- The prazeros now assumed powers hitherto reserved for chiefs for example demanding tribute and recruiting men for wars against other chiefs.
- They also claimed other ritualistic powers that were due to African chiefs such as before planting and harvesting
- They surrounded themselves with religious leaders for cultural events like rain making ceremonies.
- The prazeros also supervised elections of chiefs and headmen in their areas.
- The chikunda forces attacked Shona chiefs and took their cattle.
- They controlled mines and recklessly exploited the minerals and wealth of the Mutapa state.
- When Mavhura died in 1653 he was replaced by Siti Kazurukamusapa who was on the Portuguese payroll.
- He allied with the Dominicans and was given the name Domingos after he had been baptized.
- He faced a rebellion in 1654 which was put down with the help of the Portuguese.
- However by 1663 the state was ungovernable.
- The prazeros rose against the Mutapa and killed him with th help of his followers.
- Scores of people died in the Portuguese mines as mining was dangerous work and the Portuguese employed unsafe methods.
- Large areas were left unpopulated as people were taken away as slaves to either work as labourers, to be conscripted into the chikundas or to be sold as slaves.
- Civil wars amongst the prazeros led to social strife and unrest among the Shona.
- Normal trade amongst the Shona which had hitherto thrived was seriously harmed.
- From 1663-1704 the Mukombwe dynasty tried to rebuilt the Mutapa State with little success.
- This dynasty was opposed by the Portuguese who saw them(the Mukombwes) as being against their activities.
- The Portuguese were their worst enemies and the ruin thy caused saw many prazeros leave the state.
- The prazo system later crumbled and fell away.
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