The structure of the human heart.
ZIMSEC O Level Combined Science Notes: The mammal heart
- Is made up of muscle which contracts continuously throughout the mammal’s life.
- The number of contractions differ from mammal to mammal
- In elephants it contracts about 25 times/minute
- In humans it contracts about 70-80 times/minute
- In rabbits the heart contracts about 120-150 times/minute
- It works automatically
- The heart has four chambers:
- two atria (a single one of these is called an atrium)
- and two ventricles.
- Between these are valves that prevent backflow.
- Upon each contraction of the atria, blood is forced into the ventricles
- These then contract to push blood out of the heart into the major blood vessels
- There are two major blood vessels:
- The pulmonary artery which takes blood to the lungs to be oxygenated and
- The aorta which takes blood to the rest of the body
- This action takes less than a second.
- At the same time blood will be entering the heart through the vena cava from the rest of the body and through the pulmonary vein from the lungs
- Blood entering the left side of the heart carries oxygen from the lungs and is pumped to the body
- Blood entering the right side comes from the body and is then pumped to the lungs to absorb more oxygen.
- The blood on the left side is called oxygenated blood
- The blood on the right hand side is called de-oxygenated blood
- The muscular walls of the left side are much thicker than those on the right side
- This is because the blood on the left side has to reach all parts of the body when it is pumped
- While the blood pumped from the right side only has to reach the lungs.
- NB The left hand side of the heart diagram above is actually the right side in the human body and vice versa.
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