Swimming fish. Image credit National Geographic
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: Natural Resources: Fishing:Solutions for sustaining the world’s fisheries
- Increasing fishing disputes have pressured the United Nations into action.
- Through the Third United Nations Conference on the law of the Sea of 1974, the UN established a 200 nautical mile zone along coastal areas.
- The coastal has sole rights to all natural resources including fish.
- This allows coastal countries to formulate policies for the sustainable management of their sea resources.
- Aquaculture or mariculture is another recent solution to the sustainable use of fish resources.
- Fish farming provide 20% of the world’s fish.
- Fish farming has proved to be more difficult with sea fishes.
- It is therefore mainly confined to fresh water species.
- Over 80% of the world’s fish farms are found in South-East Asia, particularly China.
- Fish farming has played a vital role in reducing pressure on ocean fishing, by providing a sustainable alternative.
- It has helped to meet the growing demand for fish in the world.
- It offers developing countries a cheap source of protein.
- Aquaculture can be successfully practiced at both sustainable and commercial levels.
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