Zulu women dancing. Image credit zululandobserver.co.za
ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The Zulu State: Social Organisation of the Zulu State
- There was division of labour in the Zulu state, that is men did cattle rearing whist women did agriculture
- Boys were taught to be aggressive whilst girls were taught to be submissive
- The Zulu celebrated the Inxwala ceremony which was a festival of the first fruits
- Conquered kingdoms were supposed to speak the Zulu language and follow the Zulu culture
- The kingdom had three distinct social classes which were:
- The king and the royal family
- Those incorporated when the Zulu was expanding
- Those absorbed during Mfecane
- The lower two classes where required to pay tribute to Shaka as a sign of allegiance
- All able bodied men were to marry at 40 after serving in the army
- Cattle was seen as a sign of wealth and status
- Men with many cattle married many wives
- Cattle were also used to pay traditional doctors’ fees
The king was the centre of unit - The Zulu men and women were educated in age regiments
- Age regiments fostered unity because people of different background were brought together
- Marriage alliances encouraged unity and co-existence in the state with the marriage function presided over by the king
- The Zulu had many festivals, for example, dissolving of the age-regiments, the first fruit harvest (inxwala) to thank their gods for good yields and Shaka presided over all the ceremonies
- The Zulu assimilated conquered people to look similar to original Zulus
- They were religious and religion was used to enforce unity where all people believed in the spirits of the ancestors and living dead
- The king presided over all religious ceremonies
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