A voltmeter in a circuit measuring potential difference between two points
ZIMSEC O Level Combined Science Notes: Potential difference
- Potential difference is the “electrical pressure” which causes current to flow in a circuit
- The amount of current flowing depends on the potential difference of the circuit
- Potential difference is also known as voltage
- It is measured in volts
- For electrons to flow in a circuit there must be a force to push them
- The force is provided by the cells
- The more cells there are the greater the pushing force
- This force or voltage is measured using a voltmeter
- A voltmeter measures the potential difference between two points in a circuit
- It does not measure the potential difference (p.d.) for the whole circuit
- The voltmeter is thus connected between the two points being measured
- Voltmeters are thus connected in parallel
- Ammeters are connected in series
- If the pushing force in a circuit is increased more electrons should flow through it
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