A rural village household in Zimbabwe
ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: Zimbabwe 1894-1969: The Land Husbandry Act (1951)
- Europeans saw that the Land Apportionment Act could not suppress the desire of Africans to own land
- The land and environment were also deteriorating at a faster rate in natives reserves
- So to improve the situation they passed the land Husbandry Act of 1951
- The act was to replace communal ownership of land among natives with private ownership
- Each family was allocated 8 acres of land which could not be subdivided among their children and this conflicted with existing traditional beliefs
- The power to distribute land was stripped from chiefs to distribute land and given to the District Commissioners
- Compulsory conservation methods were introduced to regulate farming practices
- These were the construction of contour ridges, destocking and storm drains
- The number of cattle owned by African families was limited to five
- Those who failed to get in the reserves had to work for Europeans in mines and factories
- Africans were forced to get involved in public projects such as construction of dams, bridges and roads
- Failure to comply with the provisions of the Act was subject to punishment either by fine payment of imprisonment
- The act was rejected by natives and paved way for the starting of the Second Chimurenga
- This project failed, was abandoned in 1961 and replaced by the Land Tenure Act.
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