Herman Goering leader of Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo)
ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: Dictatorship in Europe: Dictatorship in Germany: Political Policies
- Germany became a police state and they enforced Nazi policies
- Political parties were banned
- The state police known as the Gestapo (Germany for Secret State) was responsible for law enforcement
- Genuine opposition became unknown
- Civil servants were purged
- Many people were arrested and tortured in prison for opposing the new government
- Many died in prisons before they were tried
- Hitler reintroduced military conscription in 1933
- Hitler also introduced the Schutzstaffell which provided him with personal bodyguards and performed many of the ruthless killings of the Jews
- There was also the Death Head’s Units which was in charge of concentration camps and they were the toughest
- They were convicted criminals released to torture people
- The Weimer Republic Police was brought under the wings of the Nazi
- The law courts were also placed under Nazi Rule
- Hitler set up concentration camps for Jews, members of opposition camps and Trade unionists and these were death traps for those imprisoned
- All media houses and book publishing houses were brought under Nazi control
- All films had to feature Nazi ideologies and radio stations had to follow suit
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