Hitler’s Youth
ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: Dictatorship in Europe: Dictatorship in Germany: Hitler Domestic Policy and Dictatorship
Social Policy
- Jews were persecuted and numbering laws were passed
- Hitler was anti-Semitism and hated the Jews intensely
- Jews were excluded universities, government working and from working as a lawyer or doctor
- Jews could not hold positions of authority in the media
- The Nuremberg laws were passed to prohibit Jews from joining the Wehrmacht army
- They were deprived of all their rights as citizens
- Many youths were conscripted into the Nazi Youth Movement where they were taught Nazi propaganda
- Young boys were conscripted into the Hitler Youth at a tender age of six years
- In their camps they were taught things like:
- Nazi songs and games
- Nazi political talks and films related to Nazi propaganda
- They also learnt how to lock, clean, fire rifles, read maps, go on marches and throw hand grenades
- Over 300 000 boys were organized into regiments and served the armed forces
- Young girls served in the League of Germany Maidens and worked on farms and factories
- Girls were to marry and have large families and women were generally regarded as inferior to men
- Women were taught about health issues, racial purity and child rearing
- Women were discriminated against and served to produce large number of children to serve in the Nazi army
- Women duties were defined with the following slogan ‘Children, Church and Kitchen’
- Couples were given 1000 marks upon getting married
- Couples were encouraged to have four children and those who had eight children were given a Gold Cross award and could participate in Nazi Meetings
- Women could not gain employment and this was done deliberately
- The Nazi used the education system as a tool for Nazi propaganda and indoctrination
- There emerged a new religion called Nazism which was opposed to Christianity
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