Trees in a rainforest. Image credit wabash.edu
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: Natural Resources: Renewable resources:Forestry Introduction
- Trees are an important natural resources in mankind’s pursuit for long lasting (sustainable) economic development and a better quality of lives.
- Trees are a renewable resource since people can engage in reforestation and afforestation programmes.
- Reforestation is the process of replanting an area with trees.
- Afforestation is the establishment of a forest or planting of trees in an area where there was no previous tree cover.
- Forestry can be defined as the science or practice of planting, managing, and caring for forests.
- Forests help communities by providing:
- Food in the form of fruits, honey and wild animals.
- Building materials for houses and fences.
- Medicines to cure disease.
- Genes for developing new plants and animal species.
- Fuel for domestic and industrial purposes.
- Raw materials for industry and local crafts.
- The earth’s atmospheric oxygen.
- Controls the atmospheric carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and thus reducing global warming.
- Pasture for both domestic animals and wildlife.
- Recreation and leisure for local and foreign tourists.
- Plant cover to increase rain water infiltration, raise the water table and reduce run-off erosion.
- Increased rainfall through increased evapo-transpiration.
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