Microlith tools from Southern Africa. Image credit anthropology.net
ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: Early Societies (Late Stone Age – Early Iron Age): Features of the late Stone Age
- It occurred from 7000 to 1500 years ago.
- It was characterized by microlithic industries
- Microlithic means small and refined tools made up of stone
- The tools made during this age were smaller, finer and sharper
- The stone tools could be used for cutting, scrapping and digging
- The late Stone Age people also used bone implements
- The backbone economic activities of the Late Stone Age economy were hunting and gathering
- Only men were hunters
- They used bows and arrows as well as bone headed spears as hunting tools
- They used pit traps and disguises like the head and horns of antelope and the plumage of the ostrich to get close to animal herds
- Women and children did the gathering
- They gathered edible fruits, berries, roots, ants, caterpillars, locusts and wild honey
- The late Stone Age was also characterized by pottery making,
- It also marked the beginning of pastoralism in some northern parts of African
- Seasonal temporary settlements were also made necessary by the search of game and reliable sources of water
- The marked the begins of sedentary living
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