There are various ways to obtain citizenship
ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The Constitution of Zimbabwe:Types of Citizenship
Citizen by Birth
- Persons are Zimbabwean citizens by birth if they were born in Zimbabwe
- When they were born:
- Either their mother or their father was a Zimbabwean citizen
- Any of their grandparents was a Zimbabwean citizen by birth or descent
- Persons born outside Zimbabwe are Zimbabwean citizens by birth if when they were born, either of their parents was a Zimbabwean citizen that is, ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe or working outside Zimbabwe for the State or an international organization
- A child found in Zimbabwe who is, or appears to be, less than fifteen years of age, and whose nationality and parents are not known, is presumed to be a Zimbabwean citizen by birth.
Citizenship by Descent
- Persons born outside Zimbabwe are Zimbabwean citizens by descent if when they were born either of their parents or any of their grandparents was a Zimbabwean citizen by birth or descent or either of their parents was a Zimbabwean citizen by registration and the birth is registered in Zimbabwe in accordance with the law relating to the registration of births.
Citizenship by Registration
- Any person who has been married to a Zimbabwean citizen for at least five years, whether before or after the effective date, and who satisfies the conditions prescribed by an Act of Parliament, is entitled, on application, to be registered as a Zimbabwean citizen
- Any person who has been continuously and lawfully resident in Zimbabwe for at least ten years, whether before or after the effective date, and who satisfies the conditions prescribed by an Act of Parliament, is entitled, on application, to be registered as a Zimbabwean citizen
- A child who is not a Zimbabwean citizen, but is adopted by a Zimbabwean citizen, whether before or after the effective date, is entitled, on application, to be registered as a Zimbabwean citizen.
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