Cambridge IGCSE Accounting(0452)/O Level Principles of Accounts(7110) Notes: Sole Trader: Trading and profit and loss accounts and balance sheets: Other items

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G Musandu

Trading and Profit and Loss Account (Income Statement) for the year ended 31 September 20×9

Less Sales returns


Less:Cost of Goods sold
Opening Stok41600
Add Purchases188430
Less Purchases Returns


Add Carriage Inwards


Less Closing Stock



Gross Profit193320
Less Expenses
Salaries and Wages61400
Carriage outwards2100
Motor expenses1910
Office expenses412
Lighting and heating894
Warehouse rent3700
General Expenses



Net Profit


  • Sales returns and Returns inwards are the same thing
  • Purchases returns and Returns outwards are the same thing
  • Carriage inwards are dealt with in the Trading Account while
  • Carriage outwards are dealt with in the Profit and Loss Account section of the Trading and Profit and Loss Account

To access more topics go to the Cambridge IGCSE Accounting(0452)/O Level Principles of Accounts(7110) Notes.

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