• During our introduction to management, we defined what management is and what a manager does
  • We looked at the various functions of a manager within an organisation and said these include: Coordinating, Organising, Leading, Planning and Controlling
  • There is another way to look at what a manager does within the organisation and it involves looking at the roles that a manager plays within an organisation/business
  • Henry Mintzberg, a renowned management expert, proposed a framework of managerial roles.
  • Managers play a crucial role in ensuring the effective operation of an organization.
  • Mintzberg’s framework categorizes managerial roles into three categories: Interpersonal, Informational, and Decisional.
  • Managerial roles refer to the different types of tasks that managers undertake to ensure the effective operation of an organization.
  • Managers are responsible for overseeing the work of employees and ensuring that organizational goals are achieved.
  • As already said according to Minzberg there are three main categories of managerial roles: interpersonal, informational, and decisional.
  • We will now look at each of these roles and what they entail

Interpersonal Roles:

  • Liaison: Managers act as a bridge between different departments, teams, and individuals within an organization.
  • Figurehead: Managers represent the organization and perform ceremonial duties, such as attending events or signing documents.
  • Leader: Managers motivate and inspire employees to achieve organizational goals.
  • An example manager organizing a company-wide event to foster team building.

Informational Roles:

  • Monitor: Managers gather information about the organization’s internal and external environment to identify issues and opportunities.
  • Disseminator: Managers share information with employees to ensure that everyone has the information needed to do their job effectively.
  • Spokesperson: Managers communicate with external stakeholders to represent the organization’s interests.
  • An example of a manager playing an informal role is when a manager provides regular updates to employees about changes in company policies.

Decisional Roles:

  • Entrepreneur: Managers identify new opportunities and take risks to improve the organization’s performance.
  • Resource Allocator: Managers allocate resources, including people, money, and equipment, to ensure that organizational goals are achieved.
  • Negotiator: Managers negotiate with internal and external stakeholders to reach agreements that benefit the organization.
  • An example of a manager playing a decisional role manager negotiating a new contract with a supplier to reduce costs while maintaining quality.

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