• The Delphi method is a qualitative sales forecasting technique that involves gathering input from a group of experts to arrive at a consensus about future sales.
  • This approach relies on the collective knowledge and experience of the experts to make predictions.

Ways in which market research can be used to predict sales using the Delphi method:

  1. Expert opinions: The Delphi method involves asking a group of experts in the industry for their opinions on future sales trends. This information can be used to create a consensus forecast.
  2. Iterative process: The Delphi method involves an iterative process of collecting feedback and refining the forecast. This can help to improve the accuracy of the predictions over time.
  3. Insight into factors affecting sales: The Delphi method can also provide insight into the factors that are likely to affect sales in the future. For example, experts may identify emerging trends or changes in consumer behaviour that could impact sales.
  4. Provides a range of possible outcomes: The Delphi method can provide a range of possible outcomes, along with the probability of each outcome. This can help decision-makers to prepare for different scenarios.
  5. Quick and cost-effective: The Delphi method is relatively quick and cost-effective compared to other forecasting methods. This makes it a practical option for small businesses or organizations with limited resources.
  6. Avoids groupthink: The Delphi method is designed to avoid groupthink and prevent any one expert from dominating the forecast. This can help to ensure that the final forecast reflects the collective knowledge and expertise of the group.


  1. Relies on expert opinions: The Delphi method relies on the opinions of a group of experts, which may not always be accurate. The accuracy of the forecast is only as good as the quality of the input from the experts.
  2. Limited data: The Delphi method may be limited by the amount of data available. Without sufficient data, the experts may not be able to make accurate predictions.
  3. Time-consuming: The Delphi method can be a time-consuming process, especially if there are multiple rounds of feedback and refinement.
  4. Subjective nature: The Delphi method is a subjective process, which means that the forecast may be influenced by biases or personal opinions of the experts.

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