Bananas and other crops have replaced natural vegetation in some areas. Image credit zadt.co.zw
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: Zimbabwe’s forests: Mountain forest and grassland
- This is found in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe.
- Temperature are generally below 20°C while rainfall is over 1 500 mm.
- The altitude is generally above 1 200metres above sea level.
- The Highlands have a more equable climate than Zimbabwe’s central plateau,
- with higher rainfall,
- low cloud and heavy mists and dew as moisture moves inland from the Indian Ocean.
- Many streams and rivers originate in these mountains
- Vegetation varies with altitude but the main species found around areas like Chirinda forest near Mt Selinda are mahogany and musasa.
- Some areas consists of rolling hills covered with grassland
- The grass renews itself annually following the fires that occur at the end of the dry season
- The east-facing slopes of valleys e.g. Honde Valley contain areas of tropical rainforest, with a high canopy, lianas, and a dense undergrowth
- There are larger areas of dry forest at higher altitudes in places where the ground is well watered and on drier slopes patches of Brachystegia spiciformis (Musasa/Mutondo), Brachystegia tamarindoides (Mu’unze) and Uapaca kirkiana (mizhanje)
- There are also areas of heathland at higher elevations
- A lot of other flora and fauna also grow in this area
- Howevever in some of the areas a lot of the natural vegetation in this zone has been replaced by:
- coffee,
- pines and
- wattle.
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