Mopane trees in Matebeland Zimbabwe. Image credit flickr.com
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: Natural Resources: Forestry: Zimbabwean forests: Mopani Savanna woodland
- Also known as mopane
- This type of woodland is mainly confined to parts of the middle and Lowveld, between 400 and 900 metres above sea level.
- Rainfall decreases as one moves from the Highveld to the Lowveld to below 700 mm per annum.
- The temperatures are considered high averaging 25°C and above.
- The main tree species are the mopani, teak, mukwa and mahogany.
- The mopani is mainly used as wood fuel, cheap furniture, crafts and animal feed as its leaves are nutritious even in their dry state.
- The wood is also used for building and fencing in communal areas.
- Mopani savannah is mainly confined to the Zambezi valley, the Mupfure and Gwaai valleys as well as to the southern middle and Lowvelds.
- The hardwoods like Zimbabwe teak, mukwa and mahogany are exploited commercially to use various industries for example furniture making industries.
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