Rainbow Towers Hotel Harare.
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes:Industrial Studies: Types of industry:Tertiary/Service Industry and Quaternary Industries
Tertiary or service industries
- These industries provide back-up services to primary and secondary industries so that their functioning becomes easier.
- Examples include administration, retailing, transport and distribution, power supplies, health, education and housing.
- These industries are closely linked with each other, with manufacturing and with other services like banking, insurance and information.
Quaternary industries
- These include high technology industries which have rapidly developed within the last 25 years.
- Processing done here involves micro-electronics such as those of Microsoft industries but included here is manufacture of precision medical tools, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.
- Information, office work expertise and research and development constitute major inputs into these industries.
- In advanced countries, much of the labour force is employed in these industries.
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