Trading and Profit and Loss Accounts. Image credit caonline.com.au
ZIMSEC O Level Principles of Accounts Notes: Sole Trader: Trading and profit and loss accounts and balance sheets: Other items
- The Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are almost always more complex in the real world when compared to the simple statements in these notes
- There are several more factors to be taken into consideration when preparing these final accounts
- These include:
- Sales and Purchases Returns
- Carriage inwards and Carriage outwards
- Opening stock from the previous trading period
Sales and Purchases Returns
- Both these items are dealt with in the Trading Account
- Sales Returns are deducted from the Sales figure
- The result is known as Net Sales or Net Turnover
- It is important to understand that typically Sales Returns only affect Credit Sales and Not Cash Sales
- Purchases Returns are deducted from the Purchases figure in the Trading Account
(Sales-Sales Returns)-(Opening Stock+(Purchases-Purchases Returns)-Closing Stock)=Gross Profit
Carriage Inwards
- Includes all the costs incurred in bringing purchases into the businesses
- For example: courier costs
- transport costs
- Freight charges
- postage costs etc
- Carriage inwards must be added to the cost of purchases in the Trading Account
Carriage Outwards
- These are the costs incurred when goods are delivered to customers
- For example the business might offer customers “free” delivery
- Carriage outwards in not part of the Sales figure
- Carriage Outwards are an expense item in the Profit and Loss Account
Closing and Opening Stock
- In the second and subsequent years of business most businesses have stock remaining at the end of the year
- This stock is known as closing stock.
- It is deducted from the Total Goods available in the Trading Account
- The closing stock in the preceding year is treated as Opening stock in the subsequent period
- Opening Stock is added to Purchases so as to obtain the Cost of Goods Available in the Trading Account
Other expenses that appear in the Trading Account
- In addition to the items listed above
- The Trading Account must also include items such as import duty (this is added to purchases)
- Transport insurance
- Courier’s handling fees
- Any costs incurred in bringing goods into a salable condition including repairs
To access more topics go to the Principles of Accounts Notes.