Murambinda Growth Point. Image credit newsday.co.zw
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: Settlements:Possible solutions to Urbanisation problems
- Most LEDCs such as Zimbabwe struggle with urbanisation problems
- This is because most countries cannot cope with the rapid rate of urbanisation
- as the rate of industrialization and economic growth is outpaced by the rate of urbanisation
- Certain measures and solutions can be implemented to try and solve the urbanisation problems
- These include:
- Developing rural areas by providing rural areas with agricultural inputs such as fertilizer
- This improves the productivity of the land and reduces pressure on resources
- Decentralising some industries to rural areas
- This can be done by implementing policies that favour industries that locate in remote areas
- The creation of Growth Points
- Introducing income generating projects in rural areas for example broiler and layer projects
- Reducing the birth rates in both rural and urban areas
- This can be done by say for example introducing family planning programs
- Increased investments in both rural and urban areas
- Investments in the former will enable cities and towns to be able to cope with the increasing populations
- The latter dissuades people from migrating to urban areas by negating some of the pull factors of relocating to towns
- Land redistribution in rural areas
- Availing people to affordable housing in urban areas for example through council housing projects
- Skills training programs to promote entrepreneurship and subsequently creating more employment opportunities.
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