Construction workers require a lot of energy. Image credit nehandaradio.com
ZIMSEC O Level Combined Science Notes: Experiment: People and Energy
- While it is true that everyone needs energy for metabolism and daily activities
- Different people have different food needs
- Food requirements can be affected by age
- Very old people and infants eat less food when compared to active youths and working adults
- Active people require more food when compared to inactive people
- Active people such as construction workers need high energy content food
- Which is rich in carbohydrates/fats when compared to sedentary office workers
- Babies also require foods that are richer in protein and calcium for example milk
- Young children also need to increase their intake of nutrients to prevent malnourishment and diseases such as kwashiokor
Pregnant woman and nursing mothers
- They need to increase their nutrient intake of all nutrients to meet the needs of the developing embryo
- Proteins will be used for tissue building
- Calcium for bone the baby’s bone formation
- Iron for its blood
- Carbohydrates for the energy to carry out its life processes
- Nursing mothers (those that are breastfeeding) reuqire energy (more food) so that they can provide milk for their babies
Babies and the advantages of breastfeeding
- When babies are born they can be breastfed
- Breastfeeding has got several advantages:
- Breastfeeding milk is germ free
- The milk has antibodies which will help the baby to fight against diseases
- It allows the mother to bond with the baby
- Calms the baby when he/she is crying
- Helps with brain development
- Leads to healthy teeth and bones as milk is high in calcium
- Less instances of upset stomach
- Provides the perfect diet for babies
NB Where the mother does not have enough milk or if breastfeeding is not possible for some reason, bottled milk supplements can be used to ensure the child has enough milk.
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