The reopening of schools in September has been off to a nervy start . First there were fees disputes with some parents having to pay heart-attack inducing amounts of more than $100 000 ZWL, then there was the issue of the never ending teacher’s strike whose effects will only get worse as more and more classes get back to school and then there was the moral scandal. Allegations were that with teachers distracted by their dispute with the government students were left to their own devices with some allegdly engaging in orgies.
The issue has been before parliament a lot of times and it’s not clear how it will end but one thing is clear:
The government is not going to shut down schools on 23 October because of this scandal. That is fake news.
Fake tweet

This entire lie is based on a doctored Tweet attribute to government spokesperson Nick Mangwana. Anybody who regularly uses Twitter can tell it’s a fake Tweek without even having to check Mr. Mangwana’s own Twitter Feed. Twitter only allows people to use regular text as opposed to bold text for example. Also whenever a link is embedded say from the Chronicle, a Twitter card with a excerpt from the article is generated.