Mzilikazi Khumalo King of the Ndebele. Image credit africanfederation.net
ZIMSEC O Level History Notes:The Ndebele:Methods used by Mzilikazi to establish the Ndebele State
Mzilikazi and the Ndebele used the following methods to co-opt other tribes and form the Ndebele state North of the Limpopo river:
- They demanded tribute from the local tribes.
- They entered into trade relations with the local tribes.
- They Attacked, defeated and absorbed the Rozvi.
- They raided their cattle and crops.
- They forbade the Europeans from selling guns and ammunition to the Shona.
- They captured and killed Shona leaders.
- The people were forced to speak the Ndebele language.
- Young Shona men were conscripted into the Ndebele armies.
- Ndebele governors were sent to control the people living in tributary areas.
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