A group of Musasa trees on a low hill. Image credit flickr.com
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: Natural Resources: Renewable Resources: Forests in Zimbabwe: Brachystegia Savanna Woodland
- This type of woodland generally covers much of the country’s Highveld, generally lying between 900 and 1 200 metres above sea level.
- Brachystegia is the genus name of the trees found in this woodland.
- An example is Brachystegia spiciformis commonly known as zebrawood, or Msasa, is a medium-sized African tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers.
- The tree is broad and has a distinctive amber and wine red colour when the young leaves sprout during spring (August-September).
- The main tree species in this area are musasa, munhondo, mupfuti and muunze.
- These trees are the main sources of wood fuel in both the rural and urban areas.
- They burn for a longer time and provide more heat.
- The woodland also provides building materials for houses, pens and for fencing.
- Much of this woodland has been cleared for wood fuel, building materials and expansion of agriculture and settlement land.
- Dense stands of forests however can still be seen in protected forests and commercial farming areas.
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