Sun dried Kapenta. Image credit blogspot.com
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: Natural Resources: Fishing: Fish processing and marketing
- Subsistence and commercial fishers employ more or less the same processing methods.
- The high tropical temperatures mean that fish go bad very quickly after being landed from the lakes rivers and swamps.
- Small fish like the matemba/kapenta are sun dried on drying platforms before marketing.
- The large fish such as the chambo and mlambo are opened up, cleaned and salted before either being sun dried or smoked.
- Fresh fish are sold to the local markets.
- The commercial fishing companies use refrigerated vans to transport fresh fish to the market.
- Subsistence fisheries buy ice from a small plant at Mangochi.
- Commercial catches are landed at fishing ports like Likoma island before they are dispatched to local markets in town.
- The town of Limbe near Blantyre has a small refrigeration plant for storing fish.
- Some of the fish are exported to other SADC countries like Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
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