There are several external sources of finance for a business. Image credit rampages.us
ZIMSEC O Level Business Studies Notes: External sources of finance
- This is when the funds come from outside the business itself
- External sources of finance include the following:
Sell of shares/Owner’s own capital
- The owners of the business might invest their own funds into the business
- This is the most common source of finance for sole traders and partnerships
- The sole properer or partners invest money from their own personal savings into the business
- Public Limited Companies might sell additional shares to the public or existing shareholders (rights issue)
- and Private Limited Companies might sell shares to existing shareholders (rights issue)
- This is also known as Equity finance
- The advantages include the following:
- Dividends are only paid if profits are made
- The gearing of the business is improved
- However only limited amounts can be raised
- Also there is risk of share dilution
- Is a special form of a loan obtained from building societies where the business is lend the money to built/purchase an immovable asset with the bank/building society retaining the title until the entire loan amount has been repaid upon which the title is transferred back to the business.
- The business gets to use the asset in the interim
- It allows the business to raise capital and enjoy the use of the asset without making a full payment
- However collateral and reputation are considered by the bank/building society which issues the mortgage and thus most small businesses are not illegible.
Debt factoring
- These is when the business sells its debtors/outstanding accounts/receivable accounts to a debt factoring company
- The business receives a portion of the total amount of these debtors immediately for example 80%
- The Debt Factoring company collects the full amounts from the debtors themselves
- The difference between the amount given to the business and the total amount of debtors represents the profit made by the debt collectors
- The business will avoid bad debts and it will not incur the debt collection expenses
- These are loan stocks made to the company
- A debenture is a loan made to the business
- Debenture interest is tax deductible
- However the issue of debentures negatively impacts on the business’s gearing
- And the failure to pay debenture interest may result in a business being liquidated
Hire Purchase
- Is a method of buying durable items such as office equipment
- The business makes fixed regular payments (usually once a month) instead of paying the full price once
- This allows the business to buy relatively expensive items without making a substantial capital outlay
- The items can be repossessed if the business fails to pay its installments
- The business does not have legal ownership of the assets
Trade Credit
- This is when a business makes credit purchases
- It is only required to pay for these goods once it has sold them or at a fixed later date
- It allows the business to continue to operate and improve its working capital position
- This is when a business rents equipment/premises instead of making an outright purchase
- The business might also have an option to purchase the premises/equipment at the end of the lease period at a lower price
- The business might also sell its equipment and lease it back
- A lease allows the business to enjoy an asset without paying the full price
- It is however much more expensive in the long run than it would otherwise be if the business had purchased the asset or the premises outright
Loans and overdrafts
- For example loans from financial institutions such as banks
- A business might also make use of an overdraft facility to raise short term finance
Other external sources of finance
- Other external sources of finance include
- donations made by third parties/the government
- Grants made by the government
- Subsidies
- The sell of stamps e.g. the Post Office raises funds by selling stamps
- Government allocations
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