Carbon dioxide extinguishes flames
ZIMSEC O Level Combined Science Notes: Experiment: Demonstrating that carbon dioxide extinguishes a burning flame
Aim: to show that carbon dioxide extinguishes a flame
Materials: 3 different sized candles, vinegar, baking soda, beaker or plastic bottle, shallow dish
- Place the 3 pieces of candle in a shallow dish
- Light the candles
- Mix vinegar and baking soda in a plastic bottle to make carbon dioxide
- “Pour” the heavy carbon dioxide gas into the shallow dish, being careful not to pour out the liquid into the dish/onto the candles
Results and Observations
- The shortest candle goes out first followed by the mid sized candle
- The largest candle piece goes out last provided it’s shorter than the sides of the dish in which it is standing
- Carbon dioxide is evolved when baking soda is mixed with vinegar
- Carbon dioxide is a heavy when compared to normal “air”
- Carbon dioxide extinguishes flames
- It is commonly used to fill fire extinguishers
NB Vinegar is made from ethanol
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