A crossed cheque. Image credit freechequewriter.com
ZIMSEC O Level Commerce Notes: Money and Banking: Cheque crossings
Crossed cheques
- A cheque may have a general or special crossing on its face.
General crossing
- The cheque has two parallel lines across its face.
- It cannot be cashed over the counter.
- The crossing cancels the order to pay on demand.
- It must be deposited into a bank account.
- It is safe to use because it can be traced if lost.
- The payee must have a bank account.
Special crossing
- The cheque has two parallel lines across its face.
- It has the name of the payee’s bank and branch written in between the lines.
- It has the words “ Not transferable” written across its face.
- This makes the cheque more secure against theft.
- The cheque must be deposited into a bank account at the stated bank branch.
- It cannot be cashed over the counter.
- One does not need to use registered post when sending it.
- It is easy to trace if it is lost or stolen.
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