Cambridge IGCSE Accounting(0452)/O Level Principles of Accounts(7110) Notes: Introduction to Liquidity Ratios: Current Asset Ratio

  • As pointed out in the introduction
  • One of the liquidity ratios that you need to be familiar with is the Current Asset Ratio
  • Like all liquidity ratios it measures how well a business will be able to settle its short term obligations as and when they fall due
  • It specifically measures how well current assets cover current liabilities
  • The ratio is calculated using the formula:
  • \mathrm{Current \quad Ratio = \dfrac{Current\quad Assets}{Current\quad Liabilities}}
  • For example let us say we have current assets of $3 000 and current liabilities of $ 1 500
  • The ratio would be calculated as follows:
  • \mathrm{\dfrac{3000}{1500}}
  • 2
  • This means for every $1 in fixed there is $2 in current assets
  • In other terms there is twice as many current assets as there are current liabilities
  • The ratio is expressed as a number in decimal terms
  • Generally the current asset should be between 1.5 and 2
  • If it is any lower than this it means there is a real chance the business will face difficulties when trying to pay its creditors
  • If it is higher than this it means a lot of resources are tied up in the form of current assets
  • One drawback of the ratio is that it incorporates the inventory/stock in the formula
  • In the real world it might be difficult to quickly sale stock/inventory in order to settle current liabilities when creditors come calling
  • A more stringent measure the excludes stock might be needed in such instances
  • This ratio is known as the Acid Test Ratio

NB Click on the link above to learn more about the Acid Test Ratio

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