ZIMSEC O Level Biology Notes: Chemicals of Life: Proteins
- We have already looked at the properties and importance of proteins here
- Here we will now look at the test for proteins in foods
- Generally the Biuret’s test is used to test whether proteins are present in food
- The Biuret’s reagent is made up by adding sodium hydroxide (or sometimes potassium hydroxide) solution of copper (II) sulphate
- The reagent works by testing for the presence of peptide bonds which as pointed out elsewhere is another characteristic of proteins
- To test for the presence of protein in various food samples
- Several foodstuffs to be tested including: meat, egg white, bread, beans, peas, milk, cheese, dairy, sadza etc
- Test tubes
- Test tube racks
- Biurets solution
- Dropper
- Warm/hot water
- Knife
- Cut small pieces of each food taking care to use a clean knife each time to avoid contamination
- Put the each food pieces into its own test tube and add warm/hot water
- Shake the mixture and add Biuret’s solution using a dropper
- Observe colour changes for each food type

Negative and Positive results for Biuret’s test
- For foods with low/no protein content the Biuret’s solution remains blue this happens with foods like sadza
- For foods with high protein content the Biuret’s solution turns violet (deep purple) this indicates the presence of peptide bonds i.e. proteins this happens with egg white and meat
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