Uniformed services usually use an autocratic leadership style
ZIMSEC O Level Business Studies Notes: Autocratic Leadership style
- Under this style of leadership there is an autocratic leader
- The leader is an authoritarian i.e requires and expects strict obedience and authority
- The leader is a dictator
- The leader assumes all the responsibility responsibility
- Communication is mainly one-way (downward communication) in the form of commands and orders
- There is little feedback which usually comes in the form of acknowledgement and status reports
- The leader can be a tough autocrat or a benevolent/paternalistic autocrat
- She/He makes all the decisions and has all the authority
- There is little to no input from subordinates
- Leader dictates all the processes, methods and goals
- Subordinates are expected to follow orders and execute tasks without question
- It is also known as an autocracy
- There is a clear chain of command
- Decision making is quick
- Effective in times of conflict or emergency for example in the uniformed services such as soldiers, the police or fire fighters
- Group members become dependent on the leader
- Can lead to poor decision making as the decisions depend on the leader’s ability and skills
- Is not suitable for complex decisions
- Can lead to resentment and negative impact on employee morale
- Stifles creativity
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