About garikaib

He holds an Honours in Accountancy degree from the University of Zimbabwe. He is passionate about technology and its practical application in today's world.

January 2023

The Cash Book

By |2022-09-15T12:41:03+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, Ordinary Level Notes, Principles of Accounts Notes|

Cash Book Example. Frank Wood's Business Accounting I Cash Book Example. Frank Wood’s Business Accounting I ZIMSEC O Level Principles of Accounts: Books of Original Entry: Cash Book

  • The Cash Book consists of the cash account and the bank account put together in one book.
  • The result is that all monies paid and […]
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By |2022-09-15T12:42:55+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level Commerce Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Examples of modern day cellphones. Image credit egadget.com Examples of modern day cellphones. Image credit egadget.com ZIMSEC O Level Commerce Notes: Communication: Cellphone

Cellular telephone.

  • Used when speed is required.
  • Allows dialogue.
  • Subscriber can dial or receive calls from another subscriber or telephone subscribers
  • Can receive multiple calls at the same time by putting them […]
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Functions of of Zim-Trade ( Government promotion of foreign trade)

By |2022-09-15T12:42:27+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level Commerce Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Zim-Trade expo. Image credit europa.eu Zim-Trade expo. Image credit europa.eu ZIMSEC O Level Commerce Notes: Functions of of Zim-Trade ( Government promotion of foreign trade)

Function of Zim-Trade ( Government promotion of foreign trade)

  • Carries out market research in other countries to ascertain whether or not to export to those countries.
  • Examines and […]
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Experiment: Do plants release carbon dioxide when they respire?

By |2022-09-15T12:41:43+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level Science Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Potted plant. Image credit artificialplantsandtrees.com Potted plant. Image credit artificialplantsandtrees.com ZIMSEC Combined Science Revision Notes: Do plants release carbon dioxide when they respire?

Aim: To determine whether all living things, including plants, release carbon dioxide when they respire.

Materials: bell jar or a large container, 3 boiling tubes/flasks glass or rubber tubing, lungs, suction […]

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The decline of the Prazo system and the decline of the Portuguese influence in the Interior

By |2022-09-15T12:41:26+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Galley slaves. Image credit lead-adventures.de Galley slaves. Image credit lead-adventures.de ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The Portuguese activities in Zambezi valley: The decline of the Prazo system

  • The lack of industry, commerce,education and religious work in prazo areas led to their eventual decline and the crumbling of the prazo system.
  • Most of […]
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Experiment: Testing the alkalinity/acidity of the soil

By |2022-09-15T12:40:26+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level Science Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Testing the PH of soil. Image credit blogspot.com Testing the PH of soil. Image credit blogspot.com ZIMSEC O Level Combined Science Notes: Testing the alkalinity/acidity of the soil

Materials: Universal indicator/PH paper/PH Test meter, distilled water, test tubes, soil samples


  1. Place the soil samples into test tubes to a height of about […]
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Other types of warehouses

By |2022-09-15T12:43:21+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level Commerce Notes, Ordinary Level Notes, Warehousing|

Goods in a removals warehouse. Image credit office-removals.co.uk Goods in a removals warehouse. Image credit office-removals.co.uk ZIMSEC O Level Commerce Notes: Warehousing: Other types of Warehouses

Distribution warehouse

  • They are used by manufacturers who cannot afford to have their own warehouse to store goods such as clothes and electrical appliances.
  • They are used […]
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Mazita Part 2: Mipanda yawo

By |2022-09-15T12:45:18+02:00January 24th, 2023|O Level Shona Notes, Shona Grammer|


Mipanda yemazita (Noun classes)

Mupanda 1

Munowanikwa mazita anechekuita nevanhu. Chivakashure ndi /mu-/ kana /mw-/ sokuti

murume                                      mu-                     +               […]

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