Nuclear Power Plant. Image credit drug-alcoholtesting.co.uk
ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: Natural Resources: Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear power as a source of energy
- Very long lifespan as half-life of most radioactive substances is about 4 000 years.
- Has very high energy output.
- Very efficient energy source.
- Relatively clean if precautions are taken.
- Very dangerous if melt-down and nuclear fall-outs take place.
- Environmentally unfriendly through nuclear radiation.
- Waste disposal is a big problem.
- Producing countries also make destructive nuclear weapons from the fuels.
- Expensive to build and maintain the stations and is also fairly expensive to use.
- Very limited sites for the construction of hot spots.
- Very rigid sites- not a foot loose energy source.
- Highly pollutant to land, air and water.
- Cannot power vehicles.
- Susceptible to destruction by tectonic activity.
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