About garikaib

He holds an Honours in Accountancy degree from the University of Zimbabwe. He is passionate about technology and its practical application in today's world.

January 2023

Writing a Report

By |2022-09-15T12:45:00+02:00January 24th, 2023|English Language Notes, Guided Compositions|

Reports are perhaps the most important form of communication. Image by  Pqsl Reports are perhaps the most important form of communication. Image by Pqsl ZIMSEC Writing a report

Perhaps the most important form of communication within businesses and at the workplace is the report. They are found everywhere no matter […]

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Chisazitasingwi (Pronoun)

By |2022-09-15T12:45:24+02:00January 24th, 2023|O Level Shona Notes, Shona Grammer|


Chisazitasingwi (Pronoun)

Chisazitasingwi inzwi rinomirira kana kushanda panzvimbo yezita patinenge tichitaura. Sokuti:

Iye  ane mari yangu.

Icho  chikoro chacho chimbori kupi?

Dzimwe nguva tinogona kushandisa chisazitasingwi nezita racho. Sokuti:

Iyo $5 yacho aiisa pai?

Iye Taurai haanzwiwo mhani!

Kuumbwa kwezvisazitasingwi

Zvisazitasingwi zvinoumbwa maererano nemipanda yemazita azvinomirira. Mupanda mumwe nomumwe unechisazitasingwi chinoumirira uye chinogona kushandiswa nemazita ose omupanda uyu.

Zvisazitasingwi zvose […]

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Register: Introduction

By |2022-09-15T12:45:12+02:00January 24th, 2023|English Language Notes, English Register|

Register is a study of how humans approach communication in the real world. Register is a study of how humans approach communication in the real world. Image by:UCSB

  Register: Introduction

English Language candidates are required to recognize the appropriate use of registers depending with situation, settings, occasion or purpose as well […]

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Unintentional changes to weather

By |2022-09-15T12:44:41+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level Geography, Ordinary Level Notes, Weather and Climate|

ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: People and Weather: Accidental Changes

Acid Rain

  • The smoke from burning fuels and chemical industries rises into the air and mixes with water vapour.
  • When the rain falls down it becomes acidic.
  • The acid rain is a weak acid made up of sulphuric and nitric acids.
  • Over, a long time (years for example), the rain […]
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Sand Dunes and Ripples

By |2022-09-15T12:44:15+02:00January 24th, 2023|Hot Deserts, Notes, O Level Geography, Ordinary Level Notes|

Seif dunes. Image credit 7-themes.com Seif dunes. Image credit 7-themes.com ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: Sand Dunes

  • As soon as wind velocity drops wind deposition occurs.
  • The heaviest material is deposited first while the finer material and dust is carried further before being dropped.
  • As a result loess (which consists of fine particles) is sometimes […]
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