About garikaib

He holds an Honours in Accountancy degree from the University of Zimbabwe. He is passionate about technology and its practical application in today's world.

January 2023

Chirewauwandu (quantitative)

By |2022-09-15T12:45:26+02:00January 24th, 2023|O Level Shona Notes|


Chirewauwandu (Quantitave)

Chirewauwandu inzwi rinotsanangura zveuzhinji kana zvekushomeka kwechinhu kana zvinhu. Sokuti:

mbudzi dzose (mbudzi zhinji, dzakawanda, pasina kana yasarira)

manzwi ako omene (manzwi ako asina kuwedzerwa)

Maumbirwo echirewauwandu

Chirewauwandu chinoumbwa sezvizvi:

chivakashure/chiwedzera chechirewauwandu (quantitative prefix) + vararinoshanduka (quantitative stem)  +dzitsi


zv-   + -o-     + -se                     […]

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Chiratidzi (Demonstrative)

By |2022-09-15T12:45:26+02:00January 24th, 2023|O Level Shona Notes|


Chiratidzi (Demonstrative)

Kune mhando mbiri dzezviratidzi:

1) Zviratidzi zvepedyo. (near demostrative)

2) Zviratidzi zvekure. (far demonstrative)

Zviratidzi zvinoenderana nemipanda yemazita yazvinodudzira sezvizvi:

Maumbirwo ezviratidzi

Mazita emupanda mumwe nemumwe ose anowirirana nechiratidzi chemupanda chimwechete chekure uye chimwechete chepadyo. Zviratidzi zvekure nezvepadyo zvakasiyana maumbirwo azvo.

1. Zviratidzi zvepedyo ( near demonstratives)

Chitsigisi   + chiratidza mupanda chechiratidzi (stabiliser + demonstrative […]

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Spotting and Avoiding Scholarship Scams in Zimbabwe: Tips for Safeguarding Your Education and Finances

By |2023-01-18T06:40:10+02:00January 24th, 2023|General|

The Advanced Level results for ZIMSEC were released last Friday. Many parents and students are rejoicing in their well-deserved accomplishments. The majority of those kids will be or are already seeking university or college admissions positions. The reality is that university tuition is pretty costly. Before you include extra expenses like food and lodging, the typical tuition for […]

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Chipauro (Adjective)

By |2022-09-15T12:45:25+02:00January 24th, 2023|O Level Shona Notes|


Chipauro (Adjective)

Chipauro inzwi rinoshandiswa kutsanangura zita sokuti: Murume murefu.

Maumbirwo ezvipauro

Chipauro chinowirirana nezita rachirikutsanangura pazvivakashure zvacho. Chipauro chakaumbwa sezvizvi:

Chivakashure + Dzitsi rechipauro.


Zvivakashure zvezvipauro

Sezvaratidzwa pamusoro chipauro chinotora chivakashure chemupanda wezita rachirikutsanangura. Zvichireva kuti kana zita risina chivakashure chipauro chacho chinenge chisinawo chivakashure. Sokuti:

(ri-) + -chira (ri-) -chena           […]

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Results of World War I

By |2022-09-15T12:45:13+02:00January 24th, 2023|O Level History Notes|

A woman working in a World War I factory: Image by The Guardian. A woman working in a World War I factory: Image by The Guardian. Results of the First World War

Results of the war.

Political effects

  • The collapse of four dynasties in Europe and their replacement by new governments. Turkey ( […]
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Dictatorship in Italy: Benito Mussolini

By |2022-09-15T12:45:12+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|


Il Duce. Benito Mussolini. Image by History.com Il Duce. Benito Mussolini. Image by History.com

ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: Dictatorship in Europe: Dictatorship in Italy: Benito Mussolini 

Post war Italy was chaotic and plagued by a lot of problems creating a fertile hotbed for the rise of Fascism and dictatorship under Benito Mussolini […]

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Chisazitasingwi (Pronoun)

By |2022-09-15T12:45:24+02:00January 24th, 2023|O Level Shona Notes, Shona Grammer|


Chisazitasingwi (Pronoun)

Chisazitasingwi inzwi rinomirira kana kushanda panzvimbo yezita patinenge tichitaura. Sokuti:

Iye  ane mari yangu.

Icho  chikoro chacho chimbori kupi?

Dzimwe nguva tinogona kushandisa chisazitasingwi nezita racho. Sokuti:

Iyo $5 yacho aiisa pai?

Iye Taurai haanzwiwo mhani!

Kuumbwa kwezvisazitasingwi

Zvisazitasingwi zvinoumbwa maererano nemipanda yemazita azvinomirira. Mupanda mumwe nomumwe unechisazitasingwi chinoumirira uye chinogona kushandiswa nemazita ose omupanda uyu.

Zvisazitasingwi zvose […]

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