January 2023

Constitution of Zimbabwe: The Acting President

By |2022-09-15T12:34:54+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Emmerson Mngangagwa the current Vice President of Zimbabwe.

ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The Constitution of Zimbabwe: Acting President

  • Whenever the President is absent from Zimbabwe or is unable to exercise his or her official functions through illness or any other cause, those functions must be assumed and exercise by the […]
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Benefits of Mussolini’s domestic Policy

By |2022-09-15T12:34:37+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Circus Maximus was cleaned as part of Mussolini’s domestic policies. Image credit umass.edu

ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: Dictatorship in Europe: Dictatorship in Italy: Benito Mussolini: Mussolini’s Domestic Policy and Achievements

  • Employment creation through the public works and other employment schemes in the army and in industries.
  • Transport and communications were […]
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Hitler’s Political Policies

By |2022-09-15T12:34:26+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Herman Goering leader of Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo)

ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: Dictatorship in Europe: Dictatorship in Germany: Political Policies

  • Germany became a police state and they enforced Nazi policies
  • Political parties were banned
  • The state police known as the Gestapo (Germany for Secret State) was responsible for law enforcement
  • Genuine […]
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Failures of the New Deal

By |2022-09-15T12:34:12+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Dusty farmland during the Great Depression and Recovery

ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The United States of America (USA) 1920-1939: Failure of the New Deal

  • Discrimination against blacks still continued and many remained jobless and received low wages where they got employed
  • In the long run little had been done for […]
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Reasons for the rise of the Great Zimbabwe state

By |2022-09-15T12:41:36+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Cattle grazing. Image credit nature.org Cattle grazing. Image credit nature.org ZIMSEC History O Level Notes: Great Zimbabwe: Reasons for the rise of the Great Zimbabwe state

  • There are several reasons for the rise of the Great Zimbabwe state:
  • Rich soils- the availability of rich agricultural soils. The black and red soils around the Great […]
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The Mutapa rulers who resisted Portuguese control and those who cooperated

By |2022-09-15T12:41:25+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

A stamp showing a Portoguese impression of the Mutapa Gatsi Rusere. Notice the decidely European features. Image credit stampdata.com A stamp showing a Portoguese impression of the Mutapa Gatsi Rusere. Notice the decidely European features. Image credit stampdata.com ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The Mutapa rulers who resisted Portuguese control and those […]

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Groups that Soshangane fought on his way from Nguniland to Gazaland

By |2022-09-15T12:41:15+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Gungunyana the last king of the Shangane. Image credit Mediawiki Gungunyana the last king of the Shangane. Image credit Mediawiki ZIMSEC O Level History Notes:Soshangane and the Shangaane:Groups that Soshangane fought on his way from Nguniland to Gazaland

  • The Tsonga
  • The Chopi
  • The Ndau
  • The Rozvi
  • The Manyika
  • The Ngoni under Zvangendaba (note spellings of this […]
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The whites involved in the signing of treaties and concessions in Zimbabwe between 1850 and 1891

By |2022-09-15T12:39:55+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Piet Grobbler was one of the whites that signed a treaty with Lobengula. image credit boostdam.net Piet Grobbler was one of the whites that signed a treaty with Lobengula. image credit boostdam.net ZIMSEC O Level History Notes:The Colonisation of Zimbabwe:The whites involved in the signing of treaties and concessions in Zimbabwe […]

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Trade in the Mutapa State

By |2022-09-15T12:37:07+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|

Gold is one of the items traded in Mutapa kingdom. Image credit idolator.com

ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The Mutapa State (Kingdom): Trade in the Mutapa State

  • Three types of trade were done in the Mutapa state
  • That is, internal trade with the locals,
  • inter-regional trade with other states like the Ndebele […]
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