About garikaib

He holds an Honours in Accountancy degree from the University of Zimbabwe. He is passionate about technology and its practical application in today's world.

January 2023

Dictatorship in Italy: Benito Mussolini

By |2022-09-15T12:45:12+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level History Notes, Ordinary Level Notes|


Il Duce. Benito Mussolini. Image by History.com Il Duce. Benito Mussolini. Image by History.com

ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: Dictatorship in Europe: Dictatorship in Italy: Benito Mussolini 

Post war Italy was chaotic and plagued by a lot of problems creating a fertile hotbed for the rise of Fascism and dictatorship under Benito Mussolini […]

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Deliberate Changes to weather: Cloud seeding, Dam construction, Greenhouses

By |2022-09-15T12:44:42+02:00January 24th, 2023|O Level Geography, Weather and Climate|

Greenhouses are used to grow crops like tomatoes in areas that suffer from frost or during winter. Greenhouses are used to grow crops like tomatoes in areas that suffer from frost or during winter. Image via Sustainablenantucket. ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: People and Weather: Deliberate Changes


  • These are used […]
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Writing a Report

By |2022-09-15T12:45:00+02:00January 24th, 2023|English Language Notes, Guided Compositions|

Reports are perhaps the most important form of communication. Image by  Pqsl Reports are perhaps the most important form of communication. Image by Pqsl ZIMSEC Writing a report

Perhaps the most important form of communication within businesses and at the workplace is the report. They are found everywhere no matter […]

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Chisazitasingwi (Pronoun)

By |2022-09-15T12:45:24+02:00January 24th, 2023|O Level Shona Notes, Shona Grammer|


Chisazitasingwi (Pronoun)

Chisazitasingwi inzwi rinomirira kana kushanda panzvimbo yezita patinenge tichitaura. Sokuti:

Iye  ane mari yangu.

Icho  chikoro chacho chimbori kupi?

Dzimwe nguva tinogona kushandisa chisazitasingwi nezita racho. Sokuti:

Iyo $5 yacho aiisa pai?

Iye Taurai haanzwiwo mhani!

Kuumbwa kwezvisazitasingwi

Zvisazitasingwi zvinoumbwa maererano nemipanda yemazita azvinomirira. Mupanda mumwe nomumwe unechisazitasingwi chinoumirira uye chinogona kushandiswa nemazita ose omupanda uyu.

Zvisazitasingwi zvose […]

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Register: Introduction

By |2022-09-15T12:45:12+02:00January 24th, 2023|English Language Notes, English Register|

Register is a study of how humans approach communication in the real world. Register is a study of how humans approach communication in the real world. Image by:UCSB

  Register: Introduction

English Language candidates are required to recognize the appropriate use of registers depending with situation, settings, occasion or purpose as well […]

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Unintentional changes to weather

By |2022-09-15T12:44:41+02:00January 24th, 2023|Notes, O Level Geography, Ordinary Level Notes, Weather and Climate|

ZIMSEC O Level Geography Notes: People and Weather: Accidental Changes

Acid Rain

  • The smoke from burning fuels and chemical industries rises into the air and mixes with water vapour.
  • When the rain falls down it becomes acidic.
  • The acid rain is a weak acid made up of sulphuric and nitric acids.
  • Over, a long time (years for example), the rain […]
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